September 18, 2010

Is that text more important then your, your child's, or someone else's life?

Posted by Becka
It seems that we, as parents, forget that, even though they may not seem to be paying attention, out children are watching our every move. Even if you have older children (my oldest is in middle school), they may not think you are "cool" but they are certainly watching you for a role model!

So then why do SO many parents, while driving, pick up their phone to answer a text message?! Did you know that distracted driving is just as bad as getting behind the wheel while drunk!? Would you get behind the wheel drunk and drive your child around? Would you want your child, or would you yourself, get in a car with a drunk driver?

What kind of message are you sending if you can't ignore a simple text and disobey the rules of the road? Are you willing to answer that text, in trade for your child to be without a mom or a dad (I have been without my mom since age 17, it is NOT fun!)

Remember, even when you don't think they are looking, your children are watching you, learning from you, and looking to you to know right from wrong. Help them make good choices, by modeling the right choices to make!  I know I don't want to

Here is a video that depicts what can happen when you text while driving. Sorry about the non English but it was the best one I could find to get the message across!

Take the pledge!

Check out the XTheTXT Facebook page!

Stay at home, business owning mom of 4 young kids, Nick the Sportsman, Michele the Princess, Wyatt the Wild One, and Evan the Baby.Bachelor in Early Childhood Development and Education, with 20 years experience. I could not ask for anything more!

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