If you have a child in 5th grade or beyond, you KNOW what letter I am talking about. The letter every parent gets if they have a 5th grader. Usually in the spring. The letter that tells you that your child will be in either the boys group or girls group (obviously depending on their gender...) and told about what will happen to their bodies in the next few years, if not already.
Well, I got that letter yesterday! I looked up at my now 10 year old son, and almost cried...ok I cried. All I could see was this little 3 year old boy, so sweet and innocent, not old enough to even GET this letter! Then reality hit me...
OMG I am going to have a teenager in a few years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the heck did this happen!??! Wasn't he JUST born?! Didn't he JUST start kindergarten!? No...PRESCHOOL!!!!!
I am in denial...and I think I will be, until he goes to college...
The bad part is, I have to do this THREE more times...I think I will have more of a hard time with Michele then any of the boys!

Stay at home, business owning mom of 4 young kids, Nick the Sportsman, Michele the Princess, Wyatt the Wild One, and Evan the Baby. Bachelor in Early Childhood Development and Education, with 20 years experience. I could not ask for anything more!
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