October 19, 2015

Almost one month

Posted by Becka
It's been almost one month since we got to Tennessee via Las Vegas. The first thing I have to say is, I miss my Vegas bloggers and NaNo family. The most amazing group of people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. Of course, I am still in the Vegas blogging and NaNo groups, but it will never be the same.

So far, we like it here. It took forever to get my oldest in school. For some reason, the schools seem to always run into road blocks with him. But luckily he is there and I am in Starbucks, blogging and writing.

I am lucky to have 2 established friends here. One from back in the day, from middle and high school. She even stopped by unexpectedly after we had gotten here. Another, one I met through one of the pages I run. It's funny, how you can click/connect with someone you never met before. And once you do meet them, it's like you have been friends for centuries.

The book I had published on Amazon has had almost 100 downloads now. I should have put that out much sooner. So far the reviews have been great. I always welcome constructive criticism, which I have yet to receive. Soon, I'm sure.

I hope this is our last big move. Though, I would not complain if my husband ever got transferred back to the West Coast. I miss my palm trees, hot weather, being close to the ocean and In N Out, to name a few.

Soon, I will be doing another year of NaNo. I already have my idea set and even started. It was something that came to me suddenly, last November. It will be my first non paranormal work. I hope it turns out well! I also have to finish Xander. His book isn't even halfway complete at 44K words. I need to make up the 6K words I somehow lost last time my macbook crashed.


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