Nothing is more important, than the safety of the next generation. With everything we see in the media, we all know our #1 priority, should not be just to protect our children, but every child out there.
I have written about this in the past. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and, as I have stated, every month should be this way!
I came across this Child Safety Pledge on Twitter and immediately shared, signed and wanted to write a blog post about this.
After contacting them, I received links to do just that.
YOU can sign the pledge HERE
Don't forget to follow them on Facebook and Twitter for more information, articles and insights into other's experiences. Pass this on to as many people as you can, whether they be parents, friends, family members, teachers, representatives...anyone you can think of!
Let's make protecting our children our #1 priority!
More links to follow:
Passion For A Purpose Twitter
Passion For A Purpose Website
Passion For A Purpose Facebook
(Click on pictures to make them larger, if needed)
Child abuse is everywhere. If you don't think it's right in your backyard, look again!
What Does It Take, To Effectively Stop Child Abuse?
Some important things to remember!

Being in the age of social media, it's important that we keep our kids safe online, as well as offline!

What else can you do? Both as a parent and a responsible adult...

Sign the Pledge And Pass It On!
Let's keep our kids safe!
Follow these links for more!
All Materials Used By Permission
Let's keep our kids safe!
Follow these links for more!
All Materials Used By Permission
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