March 15, 2011

It's been a while!

Posted by Becka
I guess it has been a while :) Nothing interesting here, just a new site at Learn and Grow Together, and enjoying my role as Hospitality Manager for Saratoga County Mommies. We have a ton of events planned for our group. I love being a part of this wonderful mommies community!

I was given the OK to take over the SCM Twitter Account, so if you are on Twitter, come follow us!!! And don't forget to visit our Facebook Page!

I will be posting info for our big quarterly fundraiser soon! And, hopefully, we will have a SCM blog up as well.

I also got accepted as a member of The Mommies Network Peer Review Panel. We are just setting things up now, and I am excited to be a part of such a wonderful National organization :)

Nothing else to post about now...but wanted to pass this along...kind of explains itself! Click on the graphic, and it should take you to You Tube!

Work At Home mom of 4 young kids, Nick the Sportsman, Michele the Princess, Wyatt the Wild One, and Evan the Baby.Bachelor in Early Childhood Development and Education, with 20 years experience. I could not ask for anything more!


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