October 2, 2011

Quick mommy brag!

Posted by Becka
I checked out the website for Price Chopper's Jodie Fitz (Kids Cooking Club) and saw that my kids pics were on there!

They were also excited to see themselves there too! You can see the blog HERE!! The videos do not seem to be up yet, but they will be HERE when they are up!

My kids did a great job and we were SO excited to be asked to cook with Jodie! 

We continue to make the quick and easy recipes over and over!!! They are REALLY good, and perfect for school events.

On another note...I have really lost it...I have volunteered to CHAIR the Middle School Halloween Teen Scene, and CO CHAIR the ice cream social, as well as volunteered for several other PTA events. This should be a FUN year!!!

Wyatt will also be going on his first field trip with the preschool!!! Can't beat this free preschool thing! Next year though, we may be moving back to a better school district when he starts Kindergarten, which will also allow Evan to go to the Montessori school that Wyatt was in :)

Hope everyone is having a great fall so far! I know we are!


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